A good day
Jenna has slept for most of the day, but she has been awake for a couple of hours now and hasn't been too fussy. Yay! I had her for an hour or so while she looked around and explored the movement of her arms & legs and made faces at me. :) She is doing that with her daddy now and the shrieks are minimal. Her spit-up hasn't been too excessive either, which gives me hope. I guess her medicine is working. We also started giving her soy formula when she has formula, so we'll give it a few days to see if that helps.
I have heard/read a lot of good stuff about that gripe water, so maybe tomorrow I'll get some. It's definitely worth trying. I don't think the mylicon does anything, so we pretty much stopped using it and haven't noticed a change.
I actually got to go shopping for a little bit today. Jenna stayed with her dad while I went to Kohl's to look for some pants & shirts that fit. :) Only my maternity clothes fit, so now it's nice to at least have one pair of pants I can wear that actually has a button & zipper. 2 sizes bigger that my pre-pregnancy clothes, but it's still early!
Our baby has some colic symptoms, and our pediatrician recommended Baby's Bliss Gripe Water. You can look on their website to find a store near you that carries it (www.babys-bliss.com). Or what we ended up doing after the first bottle was ordering from drugstore.com because we got the bottles for $5.50 per bottle and didn't have to pay tax and got free shipping because we bought two bottles plus another few things we needed anyways. So that's just a tip - but we think it works great and really helps with out little one's gassiness! Good luck! :)
Oops I meant to say for $5.50 per bottle cheaper than what we paid otherwise! :) Stop by my blog when you get a chance - we new moms need to stick together!
Button and zipper? Not fake ones with elastic waist bands!?? Halleluiah! I'll take that, not matter the size!
That's nice that you got to go out and do some shopping on your own. Yay for jeans with zippers and buttons. She's still only 2 1/2 wks old. You'll be your old size in no time :)
It is nice to get out and do some shopping without the baby. I just had my first outing too. I hope the gripe water works for you!!!
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