I've got an hour!
That's about all I seem to have in between feedings, and there's always something to do during that time. So it's nice to have some "free time." Thanks for all your kind comments. It's still kind of surreal that we have a baby now. This is my favorite pic so far, I think.
Sleeping babies are so peaceful! But when they wake up--watch out! Haha She has phases where she's either sleeping or screaming, but every now & then she'll wake up & just look around to see what's happening. I wish we could entertain her somehow, but I guess newborns are overstimulated just being awake, as it is.
I think (hope) this is normal, but she sleeps great during the day, and wails at night. Usually for the first few hours that we try to go to sleep, she fusses and cries and wiggles all around. Nothing really seems to calm her, but I think it's usually because of gas. I feel like we're beating her, trying to get her to burp, but it just won't happen sometimes.
The breastfeeding thing is going, but I don't know that I'd say it's going well. Well, OK it's not going well. She is very hard to keep awake! Last night I had one feeding session that took an hour & a half. She would NOT eat, and then once she did for a few minutes, she was done, comatose almost. Then she would still be hungry and would cry & fuss, so I would try again. Eventually after an hour of this, I gave her some formula. She did sleep soundly after that, after I finally calmed her down. I hate giving her formula--it almost makes me cry to watch her suck down that bottle. I don't understand--why does this stuff always happen at night and she's usually pretty happy during the day???? I guess that's just the way it is. I am using the sheilds for breastfeeding, which the nurses advised me against, but it's the only way she'll eat. I'm hoping and praying that eventually she will latch on without them, but so far no luck with that. I have to give her a break though--she's only 6 days old. I just don't want to create bad habits.
As for me--I am looking forward to the day when I'm able to sit without my inflatable donut pillow, but for now, that's my best friend! I am also looking forward to being able to go out for a walk or something, but still not up for that. I'm doing well to walk around the house for now. :)
She is absolutely beautiful! Try not to feel bad about giving her a bottle of formula, i do it the odd time too. I find it'll keep her satisfied longer. Hopefully the breastfeeding will get better, i know Ava was really sleepy at first too. I had such a hard time to keep her awake. I had to resort to stripping her off after she finished nursing then get her latched back on only to fall asleep almost immediately. She's much more alert now though. I think you'll see a difference really soon. :)
You're doing a great, job! Hang in there.....it gets a lot better very quickly! We'll be having play dates before you know it!
Breastfeeding is harder than everyone says that it is. Don't get discouraged. Have you tried expressing milk and giving her bottles of your own milk? I mixed that with formula. I also used the shields with my first son, and they work great. Anything that works for you and Ava is OK. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty or disappointed about your progress. You are doing a great job just for persevering this far.
I am so glad I finally found your blog. I got the link from Cindy. Jenna is absolutely adorable. I love the dark hair and I know you are sooooo glad to have her out!! My heart goes out to you with the breastfeeding. I have been there and it was very hard for me at first as well. I can remember being in tears because it hurt so bad, and I would literally get sick to my stomach knowing that feeding time was coming because I knew the pain was coming as well. Not to mention the cramping I had along with each nursing. Noah always preferred one side and that made it even worse. Just hang in there and if it doesn't work know that you are not alone and there is nothing wrong with you and formula is just fine! Also, if you need a breast pump I have the medela pump-n-style that I would be happy to sell you for when you go back to work. It is supposedly made for working Mom's because it's kind of descreet looking. I was going to put in on ebay but thought I would offer it to you first just in case you don't have one and were looking for one.
Hang in there and try to get some rest. We're praying for you.
I couldn't have breastfed without the shield those first three weeks. I tried to get her to latch w/out it and she just wouldn't have it, and then one day near the end of week three she did and I now don't even know where the shield is. My baby still nurses for long periods sometimes and then other times she doesn't. I pump and feed her a bottle at night sometimes because I'm so tired from nursing all day long. It will get better.
Hang in there, Karen. You are doing great and we are so proud of all your efforts. Always remember that if you need any help at all, Gramma stands ready and waiting to help and hold.
She is such a cutie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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