Why is ice cream so good?
I don't like dieting. For the first month with the baby, it really wasn't a problem because it was hard to find time to eat. I was constantly holding her, and didn't have much of an appetite anyway. I had to force myself to eat enough so I'd have enough milk for her. Now, she is easier to put down. She stays in her swing or papasan for a while, which is great, but it sure is tempting to snack during those times. :) I have more of an apetite and more of a sweet tooth than I did during that first month. I have lost 30 pounds, but still have somewhere between 10 and 15 pounds to lose before I even get to my pre-pregnancy weight. I wanted to lose 10 pounds even then. I still eat ice cream almost every day for my treat, but I limit it to one serving. I did NOT limit it during pregnancy. Hmmmm, wonder why I have so much to lose! It's harder to get to the gym now, but I need it more than ever! We went for a walk at 7:30 this morning, before it got too hot, but my walks with a dog & a baby can't be too long because she gets kinda fussy after a while. One thing that has always annoyed me about living in such a hot climate is that during daylight savings time when it's light so late, it's too hot to enjoy that light! I can't go jogging or for a long walk because it's too hot. When it's not too hot, it gets dark at freaking 5:00 and I can't go then unless I want to be stupid and go in the dark. Anyway, I digress, but hey--it's all related.
i know what you are talking about - i am an ice cream ADDICT! it drives me insane, i honestly don't feel like i can sleep at night unless i have ice cream. it's freakin pathetic. i hate it. but it's so good...
Oh I love ice cream so much, especially chocolate! Sure won't help me lose weight. lol.
I'm not a huge ice-cream fan.. I mean I like it but would prefer a bag of potato chips (slaps hand) It sucks when it is too hot to do anything..
Mmmmmm ice cream...I have also gotten a huge sweet tooth since giving birth. I crave sweets now way more than I did while I was pregnant. I have an enormous appetite these days; I guess it's from the breast feeding.
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