Jenna Benna Bo Benna

She came into our lives 4/21/06, and I'll do my best to post pics, stories, and what she's learning about the world!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Great Grandparents and bath time

Growing up, I had grandparents in California and New York. Since we lived in Texas most of the time, we hardly ever saw them. I never had great grandparents, and I no longer have any living grandparents. Jay still has all 4 of his grandparents, so Jenna is lucky enough to have 4 grandparents and 4 great grandparents, all in the same state. We don't have any family in the same city, but they range from 2 1/2 to 4 hours away. One set of great grandparents came by the other day and met her for the first time, which is when I started thinking about how rare it probably is for both sets of her grandparents and her living great grandparents to still be married. Hopefully she'll appreciate that someday.

We are still having big sleeping issues, but I take it where I can get it. If she is asleep in my arms, I'll let her stay as long as she wants. If she will sleep in her swing, great. If she sleeps while I "wear" her in the bjorn (like she is now), works for me. If she sleeps on the couch, I don't dare move her.

I have learned that if she seems like she'll go to sleep, I'll hope it happens wherever she is (which is usually on me). If I try to put her in her crib, it's all over and she'll be wide awake and fussy again. Yesterday she wouldn't sleep all day, and she was soooooooooooo tired. After about 3 hours of crying, I finally drove around for 30 minutes just to lull her to sleep, and after about 20 minutes, she did doze off. I managed to keep her asleep for about 3 whole minutes once we got home. :) Once she finally went to sleep, it ended up being a pretty good night, except she slept on Jay's chest half the night. Oh, well, whatever works, right???

One thing we really look forward now is bath time. She loves it! We don't give her a bath every day because I've read that it dries their skin out, but maybe we'll start doing that anyway?

It's amazing to me how much she changes. It's still hard to capture a picture of a smile, but she is smiling at us more. She is starting to look at the animals that hang above her swing, and she will look at herself in the mirror above her little papasan chair. Pretty soon she'll be mobile!


At June 09, 2006 12:58 PM, Blogger betsy said...

She is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute! I love that picture of her on her side on the couch, looks like she is kicking back and chillin out!

Have you heard/read about "the happiest baby on the block?". The hospital gave us a video and we didnt decide to watch it until early this week after a loooooooooong night of fussing...and it showed us how to swaddle up E like a burrito...and now, she is totally sleeping for 5 hours @ a time during the night. Its great, it shows you how to "calm" down a fussy baby. Try it!

At June 09, 2006 1:55 PM, Blogger Emmakirst said...

She is sooo cute! I can't get over how much she's changing her looks though. I love the one with her on her belly with her little bum in the air!

Ava loves the bath too, sometimes I'll just put her in without the soap, so that her little legs don't get all dry.

At June 09, 2006 7:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've heard that sometimes if you sleep with the crib sheet for a few nights, babies will sleep better in their crib because they can smell you.

At June 10, 2006 6:17 PM, Blogger Chastity said...

You could try giving her a bath without soap on those days in between real bath days...plain water shouldn't dry her out too much.


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