Jenna Benna Bo Benna

She came into our lives 4/21/06, and I'll do my best to post pics, stories, and what she's learning about the world!

Friday, June 02, 2006

6 weeks old!

Wow, our daughter is 6 weeks old today. It's still young, but when she was born, 6 weeks seemed like a loooooong way away. I would be going back to work next week if I wasn't taking an extended maternity leave--time flies.

I have a complaint--I am seriously getting frustrated by the fact that I will hold Jenna and try to calm her and get her to go to sleep for hours, and then as soon as Jay comes home, he holds her and she falls asleep. What's up with that? Last night he was gone for about 3 hours, and the whole time, I was feeding, rocking, swaying, bouncing, swinging, swaddling, and singing to our fussy baby. She calmed down a few times, but then ended up crying after a minute or two. It's like she catches herself falling asleep and thinks "no, I need to stay up or I'll miss something." She's only 6 weeks old--aren't they suppsed to be older than that before they do that? Anyway, then Jay got home at 10 and picked her up (although she was in one of her sleepy states at the time). She fell asleep and stayed that way for about 30 minutes, until she woke up hungry for her bottle. Seriously--he must think it's a breeze for me to be home with her all day. :)

By the way--she didn't wake up from the storm yesterday! She stayed asleep for 2 hours--I was hoping that would become a habit...


At June 02, 2006 10:16 PM, Blogger Chastity said...

I think Lila fights sleep too. Sometimes she's just so fussy and there's nothing I can do to calm her. A lot of the time I just have to let her nurse for a second and she'll calm down.

At June 03, 2006 2:10 PM, Blogger Emmakirst said...

I swear Ava does that too. She's just too darn nosey for her own good. I say all the time, give in baby, give in to the sleep, I sure want to. :)


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