Jenna Benna Bo Benna

She came into our lives 4/21/06, and I'll do my best to post pics, stories, and what she's learning about the world!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Random stuff & a milestone

Jenna has her 4-month doctor appointment next week! I can't believe she's that old. On the other hand, I can't believe she's only 4 months old--it seems like we've had her a lot longer. I was trying to find some pictures that were taken when she was a newborn compared to now, and we don't have many of the same poses! I thought we did, but this was the best I could come up with for now. An out-of-focus one from when she was just 2 weeks old...

And one from today, when she's a week shy of 4 months old.

She fills that swing up so much now! I'm anxious to see what she weighs.

We were in Austin for the weekend. We drove around looking at houses, and we toured a few model homes in new neighborhoods. I am a REALLY BAD decision maker, and it's going to wear me out having to pick a location and then find a house we like enough to put an offer on. BUT, we don't need to do that until our house sells. We have had a lot of people look at it. The first week was slow, but this past week we've had a lot more. So far we've been told there are 3 families who are very interested in it, but I think 2 of them still have to sell their house. I think the third one must not be that interested. It's only been 2 weeks though.

Before we went to Austin, some friends had a going-away get-together for us, and we decided we have the best friends in the world. Well, we already knew that but I just don't deserve the friends I have! They are so sweet. We'll have to come to Houston a lot to get our friend fix. :)

While at my parents' house, Jenna did it again! She was jumping in her jumperoo. We were all talking in the kitchen and noticed that it has been unusually quiet for a while. This is what we saw:

And we did hit a milestone yesterday. We fed Jenna her first rice cereal! She actually seemed to like it. Since we didn't get home until almost 9 pm and she was already hungry, it didn't go as smoothly as planned. She did seem to enjoy it, but just couldn't quite figure out how to get it off the spoon. I think more ended up on her face than in her mouth, but we would have been shocked if it didn't. We got the whole thing on video, and one of these days if I have more time and if I'm not as tired, I'll download part of that.


At August 16, 2006 7:15 AM, Blogger Silly Hily said...

Isn't it amazing how fast they grow.
Her falling asleep in her little jumper thing is too cute. She's a doll (but you know that).

At August 17, 2006 8:57 PM, Blogger Chastity said...

Lila HATES cereal...can't get her to eat it at all.

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