Jenna Benna Bo Benna

She came into our lives 4/21/06, and I'll do my best to post pics, stories, and what she's learning about the world!

Monday, July 17, 2006


I'm blogging all over the place lately! It's funny--I was just talking about how we should try a bumbo seat, and then yesterday when I got home from the gym, our friend was there with one. His son had outgrown it so he thought we might like it. So far she seems to really like it!

I also love that outfit she has on. I was anxious for her to grow into it, but now I can't believe she has already grown into it! She's actually not going to fit in the bumbo seat much longer either. We have to kind of shove her thighs in it, and sometimes it's hard to get her out. :) She doesn't seem to mind though. I was curious about her weight, so last night I weighed myself holding her, and then just myself. The difference was 17.5 pounds!!! Surely she can't be that big.

Yesterday she sat in it on the counter (I know--it's supposed to be for the floor only, but we break lots of rules) and watched me cook. It was much easier than making dinner with one hand!


At July 18, 2006 5:12 AM, Blogger Emmakirst said...

She's just too cute! She looks so happy. Ava loves to be sitting up all the time too, no more cuddling from her these days.

Yay on getting back in pre-preggy clothes. They will fit like before in no time.

At July 18, 2006 10:41 AM, Blogger Kathy said...

She looks so happy in her bumbo. It's nice that your hands can finally be free! Your friends have great timing too.

At July 18, 2006 10:47 AM, Blogger Silly Hily said...

Came over from Emmakirst...You have that thing on the counter? Someone, QUICK, all child services.
I'm TOTALLY kidding! My kid sleeps on his belly, not his back, how's that for a no-no (he's just days away from your girl, born on 4-14).
I bought him a Bumbo and he's slowly getting used to it. I love those things!
And 17.5 lbs? Girl, look at those cheeks! Yes, she could weight that much. My boy was 13.5 at his 2 month check up and he has equally yummy cheeks.
Your little girl is adorable! Would it be possible for me to squeeze her b/c OH those cheeks!!!! Too cute.

At July 18, 2006 12:41 PM, Blogger Emma in Canada said...

Those bumbos are something else. Haven't seen them here though. Must look.

At July 19, 2006 4:13 PM, Blogger Chastity said...

It may have been accurate for you, but that whole weighing yourself and then holding the baby and subtracting the difference didn't work for us. I figure that's what they do for dogs at the vet, so why wouldn't it work. When we did that it told us Lila would weight 6.5 almost four months :).

At July 20, 2006 11:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a beautiful baby girl! She looks just like her mommy but sounds like she's going to be a "daddy's girl" from your previous posts. Look us up next time your in Big D - we would love to see you guys and meet Jenna. Reeves.

At July 21, 2006 2:24 PM, Blogger betsy said...

Awesome picture of her in the bumbo chair, I love her watching you make dinner, CUTENESS!!!


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