Why are we going backwards?
Jenna was sleeping really well at night. For a few weeks, she would go to bed around 10:30 and wake up 6:30-7. I guess we started getting used to it too fast. Now, for about the past week, she has been waking up around 4 or 5 every morning. I hope this is just a phase and it doesn't last. I guess I will have to do some reading about this in my spare time (WHAT???). Anyone else have this experience?
Barrett does that everytime he hits a growth spurt. It's like he can't wait a few more hours to eat. He actually was doing that the past few weeks, and luckily, he started sleeping again a couple of days ago!
Personally, I think they see that we are starting to look rested...
we started feeding Emma before we went to bed, sometimes as late as 11pm and it helped a lot. it would keep her from waking so early. Now that she's older, her last feeding is about 9 usually.
I was going to say almost exactly what brigitte did. My kids did that randomly during what I assume was a growth spurt. Their sleep patterns randomized until about 6 months, then became more regular.
and I must have jinxed myself because she was up three times last night!
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