Jenna Benna Bo Benna

She came into our lives 4/21/06, and I'll do my best to post pics, stories, and what she's learning about the world!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


It's not often that we get snow in Texas. At least, not in this part of Texas. It's been snowing off & on today, and so many things are closed because of the icy roads. Schools, businesses (including hubby's), daycares (including Jenna's), and I assume stores. Usually when it freezes, it's just for a night, and then during the day it warms up. But it's been freezing for a couple of days and will continue through tomorrow. If it snows more, enough to stick more than just in patches, I would love to get some pictures of Jenna in it. Her first snow! On the other hand, I don't really want to take her out in it since it's so cold. Anwyay, I took these pictures earlier.

I complain about the heat in the summer, but I'll take that to this just about anytime. I don't know how you people in the North do it!


At January 16, 2007 6:33 PM, Blogger Scrapbooking Princess said...

That sucks. I hope it warms up.
Up here in Alberta, Canada we are having had a mild winter compared to what we can get, so when we do get the odd cold spurt it sucks now!And have gotten a couple freezing rain storms this year. I feel for you.

At January 16, 2007 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's freezing cold here in Toronto now!!!!!!! It took me 45 minutes to scrape all the ice of my car - and that was after the car was running with the heat full blast for 20 minutes. But, it's the first freeze of the year, pretty much. It's been very mild here, too, compared to normal.

At January 17, 2007 1:24 AM, Blogger Emma in Canada said...

I'm coming from Alberta too...we have had some horrid weeks, but for the most part it has been pretty nice. But our nice would probably be awful for you. I complain about the heat in the summer and wonder how you people down south handle it! Though my husband's from Australia and he finds even our hottest day not warm enough.

At January 17, 2007 6:44 AM, Blogger Texasholly said...

Our works closed today, too! No snow, but ice on the roads. Hooray for wimpy Texans and ice days!

At January 17, 2007 1:20 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Here in Houston, you'd think the ice age was back. People are crazy scared of 32 degrees. But it was nice to snuggle for an extra hour in bed this morning.

I'm catching up today...I love the kitchen! It looks great. You guys did an awesome job.

Jenna is so cute!!!


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