Holy cow
I'm sure anyone who reads my blog is tired of hearing about how blessed we are, but I am again overwhelmed by all the stuff we got at our third and final baby shower. This was Jay's office shower, and his co-workers are great. I think our registries are tapped out by now. :) I am at work, waiting for my sugar-induced coma to set in after the punch, sprite & cake I had with the lasagne & bread stick for lunch. I wish I had pictures to post, but there are no pictures from this shower. We got the jumperoo, which I can't wait for her to be able to use, and the car seat for when she gets too big for the carrier. We also got a bunch of stuff like diapers, wipes, clothes, bath stuff, bibs (which we only had one of so far), blankets, and frames. I can't wait to go home and sort through it. Now we are officially ready! Now we can buy the FEW things left that we still need to get through the first several weeks.
This has become so real now. I don't even feel nervous when I think about going into labor, although when I think it may really be happening, I will probably FREAK OUT. Until then, it's a waiting game because today is the 37-week mark. Which means that she's officially full-term, and if born between now and 40 weeks, she'd be perfectly healthy. And her mom would be very happy!
Wow, congrats on all the great stuff! You's really are blessed.
Hopefully your little one won't make you wait too much longer to make her entrance. Take care.
Yeah, it's a good thing that you're not nervous about labor; nerves don't help. I actually wasn't nervous prior to it either, just ready to get it over with.
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