5,000 hits
My counter at the bottom has hit 5,000. Where did they all come from? Who is reading this? Anyway, last night was AWESOME. Baby girl is a goooood girl! She went 7 hours between feedings! I'm not naive enough to think this will happen again anytime soon, but we fed her at 9, she went to sleep at 10:30, and didn't wake up again until after 4! I kind of freaked out when I woke up, but she started crying for her bottle and then she was fine. A little more hungry than usual, though. :) I haven't slept 5 hours at a time in like 6 months!
Im reading :) I think you need some sleep soon!! I would be dying with such little sleep..
Oh that's so great that Jenna slept so long for you! You certainly need the good stretch of sleep. Hope she keeps that good habit up :)
I drop by daily, I check yours out first, it's on my favorites. I get annoyed with my blogroll, it never keeps things updated. My hits are over 10,000, my question is the same as yours! hehe.
Yay for sleep!!! I love those nights when you wake up, look at the clock and can't believe it...then you try to count the hours since the baby last ate, over and over, just knowing that it can't be true.
Hope she keeps it up.
(And you're on my blogroll! I try to catch up on everyone two-three times a week - much more exciting than getting work done.)
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