Happy Father's Day
Cheese alert--you've been warned.
I never had any doubt that Jay would be the best dad. I hoped that one day my kid(s) could have as good a dad as I have, and I got it! He is involved in every part of her life and he loves it. He stays up with her when she's fussy, he calms her down, he makes faces at her to make her smile, he gives her baths, he gives her bottles, he changes her poopy diapers, he takes her on errands, he takes her to church, he tries to get her interested in toys, he gets up in the middle of the night with her, and he wears her spit-up and other bodily fluids with pride. I should also mention that he went to all my prenatal appointments. Um, I should also mention that we both do all those things, and are lucky enough to do most of them together. I don't sit around painting my nails all the time, if that's what you were thinking. :) But I know enough moms whose husbands don't do half of these things. I know how lucky I am, and I know how lucky Jenna is to have such a wonder father. Someday she will really appreciate it--someday soon.
I don't remember my dad changing diapers or getting up with me or feeding me, but I know he did. What I DO remember is him being there for me when I needed to talk, telling me how proud of me he was, teasing me when I teased him, believing in me, going to my swim meets and soccer games, playing with us, taking us on vacations, hugging us, and providing everything I ever needed. Along with the infinite things my mom did for me and sacrificed for me, I am BLESSED! Jay's dad is also one of the most involved fathers I can think of. I have heard stories about all the things he did with and for his sons, and still does. I hope we can be a combination of our 4 parents, and I don't think many people can say that.
So, happy Father's Day Jay, happy Father's Day Dad, and happy Father's Day Ron. And happy Father's Day to all the other dads!
Awwww, what a cute post! He sounds like such a great dad. Adorable pic of both them.
Very sweet :)!
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And he looks super happy with baby in tow too! CUTE!!!
I dont know what the hell is happening to my comments...but that was me who posted, deleted, and posted under dazed love? duh.
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