Jenna Benna Bo Benna

She came into our lives 4/21/06, and I'll do my best to post pics, stories, and what she's learning about the world!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Life as a single mom

Now that Jay has started his job in Austin, it's just me & Jenna at home. It will just be for 3-4 weeks, until I am there full-time. But I can tell it will wear me out, and we miss him! She did not make me feel very confident about this last night when she cried from about 7-9, and then woke up at 2 screaming for a bottle. Poor baby was so congested when I got her out of her crib, I thought maybe she wasn't really hungry, but just needed to be comforted back to sleep. Nope, the bottle was the only thing that calmed her down. First, I put saline drops in her nose and tried sucking it out, but I couldn't get anything out--it was too deep. Sorry, that's gross, but it is what it is. So after she ate, she was nowhere near ready to go back to sleep. She was squirmy and whiny, and I tried again, unsuccessfully, to get some of that congestion out. When she calmed down, she was able to breathe better, but she didn't calm down much. Hey--at least there was a Three's Company marathon on. :) At 3:30, I decided it was time for her (me) to go to sleep. So even though I still hadn't gotten her to sleep, I put her in her crib and let her squrim around for a while. She eventually fell asleep, until she woke up at 6:30 for another bottle. Amazingly, she wasn't that congested when I got her up this morning. I'm going to get a humidifier and see if that helps. Has anyone had luck with this?

One of the biggest changes lately in Jenna is she has been VERY talkative! She makes all kinds of sounds when she's in her papasan or her exersaucer. Cute! The only problem is that she does most of this happy talk in the morning & during the day, when she's at daycare. Then I get her for fussy time. Sigh...


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