What's up with this?
OK, so anyone who knows me knows I'm not a particularly emotional person, and I don't get dramatic over little things. So imagine my surprise when I overreacted to something so stupid!Today I was in the mall and I stopped in Motherhood maternity to see if I could find a pair of pants. I was browsing in the store for a good 5 minutes or so, and no one else was in there except the 2 ladies working. Neither of them said a WORD to me, and then a lady walked in and one of them said "Hi, welcome to Motherhood." Then another lady walked in and the employee said the same thing to her. I was thinking 'I'm here, I'm shopping, and I'm standing right next to you. Am I invisible? I'm going to be a mother too.' Now, usually I wouldn't give this a second thought, but I was so bothered by it and my feelings were so hurt that when I got in my car, I actually STARTED CRYING! Yes, crying. Because a retail employee in a store didn't acknowledge me. WHAT????
Oh, please don't let this be the start of these pregnancy hormones I hear so much about. I don't want to cry at the drop of a hat, don't want to lash out at people, and I don't want to forget my own name. Well, only time will tell...
That is the funniest thing I've heard in awhile, I can't imagine that happening to you either. The hormones are fun, you're gonna love it!
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