Jenna Benna Bo Benna

She came into our lives 4/21/06, and I'll do my best to post pics, stories, and what she's learning about the world!

Friday, January 13, 2006

I'm going to be one of THOSE parents

Yesterday at my appointment, I had an ultrasound and for the first time, I realized there is a PERSON living in there. I feel her move every day, but it was so cool to actually see her in action. We saw her at the last ultrasound, but this time she was clearly sucking her thumb and it was so cute! :) It's not too clear in the pic, but she was sucking her thumb, touching her face, and generally moving around like babies do.

I was so excited that I wanted to call everyone and tell them she was sucking her thumb, and that's when I realized I am going to be the type of parent I didn't want to be--the one who tells everyone all the cute things her kid did. So if you see me often and I do that, feel free to call me on it. We'll try to keep those cute milestones like "oooh, she turned her head" or "guess what--she pulled my hair" between Jay & I.

Everything looked healthy, which was of course great news to us, and the only bad news was that I gained too much weight. Oops. It was no surprise--I knew I needed to lay off the ice cream & candy. And lay off it I will do (notice I didn't say eliminate!)


At January 13, 2006 9:36 AM, Blogger PRan said...

Well congratulations!!!
It's nice to such a post. Its a wonderful feeling to have a new comer to family. My wife got her 1st scan few days back. Im still wondering wether to post it on my blog. Its still to early. I have seen a counter bar which counts to the day of delivery, which U can add to the header of the blog. I cant remember their URL. U can do some google search to find it. It will b a nice addition to your site.
Will be reading Ur blog regularly...
Nice blog, for a nice reason...

At January 13, 2006 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember going to a drive thru at Mickey Dee's after we had our three kids after placing an order. I told my spouse we had now become the people we hate being behind in a drive thru.

At January 13, 2006 1:01 PM, Blogger QueenBee said...

YES! I can totally tell she is sucking her thumb! And you better share all of those precious moments with me!

At January 13, 2006 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can see it completely in the pic, that's awesome. i'm definitely one of those parents as well i think. it's so hard not to talk about how stinkin cute they are. thanks for the update!

At January 16, 2006 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This whole blog thing is so neat - thanks for sending me the link. I just wasted/spent 30 minutes reading through your older posts. I LOVE the pictures. Thanks again for lunch yesterday and I'm so glad we finally got together. Take care and keep in touch!


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