Fat & happy
Not me, her! I wore my first pair of pre-pregnancy pants today! They were still tighter than they were before, but this is my first evidence that Weight Watchers is working. I've been a crazy point-counter and I've been regular about going to the gym, and it's starting to pay off. I only have a few pounds before I'm at my pre-pregnancy weight, but then I've got at least 10 more I want to shed.
Jenna has been smiling so much. Sometimes she'll smile at nothing. She's got just enough spit up and just enough of the double chin in this picture to make her look fat & happy...she's just chillin' in her exersaucer. :)
I still don't know what I'd do without the swing. She loves it, and she apparently sleeps in a swing at daycare. I'm very thankful that she's sleeping there at all because she is more pleasant in the evenings. Yesterday we had her home all day and she was a nightmare yesterday evening. She cried for about 3 hours because she was soooooooo tired, but she fought it too hard. BUT...she slept from 10:30 pm to 6:30 am!!!!!!!! I slept for about 6 hours straight...I haven't done that since about my first trimester!
Her newest thing she likes to do (besides put stuff in her mouth) is try to sit up. When I lean her back, she'll use her stomach muscles to sit all the way up & fall forward. She does it in my lap or when we sit her up on the couch or in one of her seats. I tried capturing her doing that on on the couch, but she just looked kind of annoyed.
I probably need to get one of those round seats that allows them to sit straight up--I think she'd like staying up without falling forward or backward.
She's getting so big! All of the pictures are so precious.
She does look so happy in all those pictures. And I can't believe she's already trying to lean forward! My son just barely started doing that occasionally a month or two ago. It sounds like a Bumbo seat would be a good investment for you.
She looks super happy and getting so big!! she is adorable!
You've inspired me. I"m getting "back on teh wagon."
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