Jenna Benna Bo Benna

She came into our lives 4/21/06, and I'll do my best to post pics, stories, and what she's learning about the world!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Jenna likes her veggies!

Well, I don't know about all veggies, but she likes green beans. We fed her baby food for the first time yesterday--we chose green beans because we heard if you start them on fruit, they won't eat veggies. I really didn't think she would like them at all, but she loved them! Ate half the container yesterday and the other half today.

What we did not take into consideration when choosing green beans, however, is the massive amounts of projectile spew this kid produces. So all afternoon, instead of white spit-up flowing out of her mouth, it was green. Yum, Yum. We always keep bibs on her because of this problem, but usually they look relatively clean even when they're not. Yesterday, poor baby looked neglected, like we never clean her up. She went through one bib after another, prompting us to buy 6 more. Now I think her grand bib total is about 18. Now, maybe we'll only have to do laundry every 3 days instead of every 2!

There have been a lot of baby girl changes lately. She's been talking/laughing a lot, she finally acknowledges toys, she puts EVERYTHING in her mouth, and she has become mesmerized by the TV. She still doesn't roll over, but when I put her down for tummy time in front of the TV, she's more interested in it than in trying to roll over. :)


At August 28, 2006 6:10 AM, Blogger QueenBee said...

awww Yay, Jenna! I have some stage one baby food for you - i need to get that to you before you move up a level!

At August 29, 2006 5:29 PM, Blogger Emmakirst said...

How cute! I am going to try Ava on veggies soon. Hope she likes them, I have peas for her to try.

That picture is sweet. :)

At September 03, 2006 5:27 PM, Blogger Chastity said...

We have that same Fisher Price fishy tunnel thing...Lila just isn't into it. I did take the plastic ball from it and put it on her Baby Einstein play gym and she LOVES that.

As far as the projectil spew...I guess they tell you that if she's gaining weight then it's OK. Is she on meds for GERD or what?


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