Jenna Benna Bo Benna

She came into our lives 4/21/06, and I'll do my best to post pics, stories, and what she's learning about the world!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Magic meds

Poor baby has been so congested lately, she has been waking up unable to breathe. Last week (my first "single mom" week), I would get up every night between 2 and 5 with her, give her a bottle, try to suck some of it out, and put her back to sleep. She would have trouble because still she'd be congested. Then, I got a prescription for her because this had been going on about 3 weeks. No other symptoms (coughing, fever).

Well, this week she is sleeping through the night again! The past 2 nights she's slept from about 10:30 to 7 and that makes mama very happy! Last night I slept ALL NIGHT LONG. I went to sleep, and I didn't wake up till my alarm went off. I don't think that has happened since about my 4th month of pregnancy. I actually went in to make sure Jenna was still breathing before my shower. :)

I am regressing in another area. I hate leaving her at daycare. After the inital pain of leaving her there, I was OK with it for a week or so. Now I just feel guilty and I miss her and I keep telling myself she's better off getting stimulation from other babies and other people. She's building up her immunity, learning, and being exposed to people she otherwise wouldn't. I'll keep telling myself that...


At August 31, 2006 6:00 PM, Blogger Robesque said...

For someone who didn't socialize early, I think what your facing is a choice with different outcomes, but neither of them bad, just different.

At times, I wish I had developed social skills more readily, as it might have improved my ability to engage others during my youth. Yeah, I was shy. No, really!

Take it a little easier on yourself for letting Jenna go to daycare. You know you would take her out of daycare the instant you thought it might be harmful. You're a great mommy from what I see and read. :-)

At September 02, 2006 5:38 PM, Blogger Tonya said...

Glad to hear she is feeling better. I have been away on vacation so have missed so much but from the sounds of it.. you were both having a hard time. I can imagine how hard it is leaving her in daycare but people do it everyday and Im sure she will be fine. Its great to have other kids to play with too! *hugs*


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