We sold the house! I don't want to bank on it too much, because they can always back out of it, but I don't see why they would. They're approved for the loan, and the paperwork is signed. They have 14 days (13 now) to back out, I think, but assuming the inspection goes fine, we'll close on the 27th. That leaves 2 weekends for us to get packed & moved out. This weekend is my sister's wedding in Austin (finally!), so the next 2 we'll be moving. Or maybe we'll just save it all and do it at once. Phew.
Jenna's meds worked for about a week, but I'm not sure if it still works or not. She still gets really congested, poor baby. The good thing is she's pretty much sleeping through the night, but in the mornings she is congested. I thought maybe she was allergic to rice cereal, but I don't think that's it. I've cut it out for a while anyway, to see if it helps. I do know one thing that rice cereal does though. Since we've stopped the rice cereal, her diapers are explosive!
She is still not rolling over. We're working on that, but I don't really want her to, because then I can never leave her on the couch or changing table for a sec, like I do now. I know I shouldn't, but what can I say--supermom. :)
My baby is very close in age as yours and I have been having the same congestion problem. She doesn't have a cold...just really, really congested. :(
Let me know if you figure it out!
Yeah on selling the house!
I've been praying for that. Isn't it nice to see how God has worked all of this out?
Congrats on selling the house! Our is still on the market, and it's so frustrating. I hope your buyers are more responsible than those that tried to buy our place.
I agree, cherish the time you have while Jenna isn't rolling over or sitting up. It is stressful once they start getting mobile.
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