Extreme Makeover
Huge trailers, a stretch Navigator limo, road block signs...that's what's on our street. The whole block, really. One of the houses behind us is getting a makeover on the home edition of Extreme Makeover. I've never seen the show, but I'll have to watch this one whenever it airs. For the next 7 days, they will have these streets closed and will be working around the clock to rennovate the house. I don't know who the people are or anything, but from what I understand, the show picks a family going through a hardship.
We got a notice saying we may need to get passes in order to get to our house because apparently there are going to be lots of onlookers for this thing. This week should be interesting...maybe I'll get to see Ty!!! Woo-Hoo!
hey, my mom is volunteering this next week at that house, she'll be there Tues - Friday night next week from like 5 - 9 serving dinner or whatever they need. she was telling me about it yesterday but she didn't know where in austin it was at and they were supposed to find out today. cool.
That is so cool! I love that show. You should try to catch it on Sunday nights...as if we need another reality show to keep up with right?! It makes me cry every week, and they do the coolest things to the homes. Good luck navigating your neighborhood, and I can't wait to see your new home soon!
that is a cool show.. I would like them to pick me.. lol
We used to watch that show every week, but we haven't caught it any this season. The family is always one that has gone through some tough times, and it's almost always a family that doesn't live under very good conditions. What did the house look like before they started??
I don't know what the house looked like. We walk by there all the time, but never paid attention. Right now they're not letting anyone through unless they live on that street.
my mom said the family has 6 kids, 5 of which have varying forms of autism
I heard it was 5 kids and 4 of them have autism.
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