Jenna Benna Bo Benna

She came into our lives 4/21/06, and I'll do my best to post pics, stories, and what she's learning about the world!

Monday, November 20, 2006

How am I possibly going to do this?

How am I going to spend 3 1/2 days in the Caribbean with my husband, eating and drinking whenever, whatever, and however much we want? How are we going to sleep late in the morning (when we're not diving), take naps if we want to, and go to sleep whenever we want? How are we going to scuba dive, go on tropical excursions, hang out on the beach, and go shopping? How are we going to do this WITHOUT OUR PRECIOUS GIRL?

We are leaving her for 5 days!!!! The day after tomorrow! Not only are we leaving her for 5 days, but we're leaving her for her first Thanksgiving. We are leaving her the day after she turns 7 months old. She will only be 7 months old for one month, so we are going to miss almost a fourth of her whole 7th month! It makes me sick. We have had this trip planned since before she was born, but I didn't know then how hard it would be to leave her. 5 days is not very long, but in baby time it could mean missing a whole lot. I miss her every day before it's time to pick her up from daycare. How am I going to last 5 days?

By the way, we will be there 3 1/2 days, but gone for 5. 2 layovers each way. Ugggh.

We have a free trip to the Caribbean at an all-inclusive resort. This is a good thing, right? Then why am I dreading it???? OK, I'll think of it this way. Hubby & I will be spending quality time together. Time that we don't get to spend here. Jenna will not remember that we left her for her first Thanksgiving. She won't remember that we left her for 5 days, and she will get to spend quality time with Gramma & Grampa. I'm going to keep telling myself that, because otherwise I will cry the whole time we're gone and I will feel guilty the rest of my life!

In house news, it's coming along great. We have about 85% of everything unpacked and put away. The garage is still a mess and there are things here & there we aren't sure what to do with. Nothing is on the walls yet, but we have painted the living room, dining room (aka, Jenna's playroom), hallway, and Jenna's room. I got letters to spell out her name, and I'll paint them & hang them on the wall. I haven't figured out exactly what else to do yet. Maybe paint butterflies around them. I need to put some frogs in there somehow too. Here's our drooly girl in her pack & play, which has been great when she's in the mood to be in it. :)

I haven't gotten around to taking pictures of the house yet, but I'll do that at some point. I should have taken pictures of us working on it. Oh, well, too late. I'll do that when we do the bigger projects. I did take some "before" pictures.

Jenna is such a big girl! She is not crawling yet, much to my surprise. For weeks, she has been rocking on all fours and scooting backwards. She is constanly rolling around, sitting up, getting in position to crawl, and then rolling back to sitting. I am just sure she will start crawling while we are away. :( She has a bottom tooth that has cut through the gum! You can feel it, and see it but it's not really sticking past the gum yet. It's very hard to get a picture of. I'm sure her other bottom tooth will come through any time, too. Probably while we are gone. We're going to freakin' come back from this trip and she'll have 2 teeth, she'll be eating cheerios, she'll be crawling, and she'll probably be driving too!


At November 20, 2006 3:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! enjoy your trip, i can't even imagine being gone for that long - good luck! i don't know that anyone would pass up a free trip. happy thanksgiving and glad everything is going well.

At November 20, 2006 7:19 PM, Blogger Chastity said...

Have fun on your trip; don't waste it being upset about missing 1/4 of the 7th month (that made me laugh). She'll be fine. I do see where you're coming from though; I don't think I could do it personally. I'm a big wimp though; I'm sure your tougher than me.

At November 21, 2006 7:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah vacation...kick back and relax! Baby girl wont be wearing a watch, so she wont know how much time has gone by. I am sure it will be much harder on you vs. her. Enjoy vacation for all of us stuck home in the shizzy snow!


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