Jenna Benna Bo Benna

She came into our lives 4/21/06, and I'll do my best to post pics, stories, and what she's learning about the world!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

I hate football

Sorry, but I do. I just don't care. I've tried to care. I've tried learning about it, being interested in teams, learning which players play for which teams--I even tried fantasy football once, just so I would be forced to care. But, I still didn't. My family sits around watching these games, getting all into them, yelling at the TV. I just don't get it. I know I'm probably the only in the world who is not a football fan, and I'm OK with that. I can sit in a room with the TV on a football game and read a book. It doesn't even have to be a good book! I won't even hear what's going on because I care so little that the sound just goes over my head. My family is in the living room now watching football, and Jenna's asleep. I don't have a book, and we all know how much time can be wasted online...


At November 04, 2006 10:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

not that you care that much, but i am kicking so much ass in my fantasy league this year! i'm in first place :) those boys thought they were gonna totally be so much better than me! jenna's pics are beautiful and i love the family pic as well.

At November 05, 2006 3:03 PM, Blogger Tonya said...

I don't like it either.. dont watch it.. dont care.. but neither does anyone around me so it all works out.. lol

At November 05, 2006 11:04 PM, Blogger Robesque said...

Welcome to the world of having free fall/winter weekends and the opportunity to live like a human on Monday nights.

Like you, I have no idea what fascinates people about football. It's stop-and-start, takes forever, and tends more toward the brutal than the talented.

On top of that, it had to steal its name from the world's most-recognized, most-celebrated sport, making it even further second-rate.

At November 07, 2006 11:11 AM, Blogger Emmakirst said...

I actually deteste most sports. I honestly could care less. LOL. I would be doing the same :)

At November 17, 2006 3:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're such a girl. I'm embarrassed to be your sister. Just kidding dood. It's okay if you don't like it, just don't get annoyed with us that love to stuff our faces, drink some cold ones, and burp at the tv and those damn Aggies!


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