Jenna Benna Bo Benna

She came into our lives 4/21/06, and I'll do my best to post pics, stories, and what she's learning about the world!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Our first ER scare

Last night started out normal. Jay got home from work, we were getting dinner & playing with Jenna. We ate, then Jay was washing dishes (yes, this is sometimes normal) and I was watching Jenna play on the floor. She was sitting on a blanket with a few toys around, like she frequently does. She reached for a pacifier and started to put it in her mouth, but then she fell forward and landed on it. She started crying, and when I went to pick her up, I thought she was just scared and would be fine.

Then I saw the blood. Lots of blood. It was pooled at the bottom of her mouth and was running down her chin. I took her in the kitchen and we tried looking at it, but couldn't tell where it was coming from. We were trying to blot with a cloth, but it just kept coming and coming. She was wailing and it was freaking us out. We were seriously about to take her to the emergency room because we had no idea where all that blood was coming from. We were all kind of hysterical. Then it slowed, and her screaming calmed a little. We tried to get her to suck on her cold teether, but she didn't want to--it seemed to hurt her. A minute or 2 later, the bleeding seemed to stop completely. Then we could see that the cut was on her gum line, where her top teeth will eventually come in. I was trying to calm her while her crying subsided, but then I was crying, and I think it made it worse for her! I just felt so bad and I realized that this is the first of many, many injuries and each time it will probably hurt me more than it hurts her.

So while I was trying to stop MYSELF from crying, Jay walked her around and calmed her down. After that, she seemed fine. We took her to the grocery store and she slept for most of it, but when she woke up, we let her sit in her grocery cart cover. She loved it! She was smiling and laughing, and later when she had her food & bottle, she seemed fine. Like I said--just the first of many...


At November 29, 2006 4:25 PM, Blogger Tonya said...

yes just the first of many but i know how you feel.. it does hurt us more than it hurts them. I get all panicked and I swear shakey when something happens to Randie or even if she falls or something.. Im glad things turned out alright.. spots like that do bleed alot and if you cant find where its coming from that is even worse..

At November 30, 2006 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCARY! I dont want to see E's blood...EVER. Glad she's ok!


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