Jenna Benna Bo Benna

She came into our lives 4/21/06, and I'll do my best to post pics, stories, and what she's learning about the world!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Poor baby girl

I took her to the doctor this morning because her coughing and congestions doesn't seem to be getting better and I thought I heard her wheezing. It turns out she has RSV and bronchiolitis. I didn't know anything about this. I saw a lot of ads about the dangers of it when I was reading all the pregnancy & parenting magazines, but I thought it was pretty much just for preemies. I kind of freaked when the doctor said that's what it was, but hers is mild. I thought at first that this was just a cold because she eats fine, sleeps fine at night (except when she wakes up from too much congestion), doesn't have a fever, and plays great. Doesn't seem phased by it and she obviously doesn't feel bad. But the duration of it and the wheezing I thought I was hearing concerned me. So I have a nebulizer to give her breathing treatments, and antibiotics because the doctor said she has fluid in her ears from it and is developing an ear infection. Great...but it's her first one, so I guess we should be grateful we made it 7 months without anything other than a mild cold. I just hope it gets better soon, and doesn't get any worse. I feel so sorry for her! The perks of daycare, I guess.

Of course I have to comment on the makeover house--it's hard to ignore it when I can't go out the front or back of my house without hearing or seeing it. Between the big busses, trailers, trucks carrying all the equipment they need, and all the noise, it's hard not to think about, It's interesting seeing the progress of tearing down & building a house in less than a week. Right now there's a big crane I can see out my window, and of COURSE I'm going to have to head over there later to see what it looks like now. It just amazes me they can do that so fast. This family of 8, with 5 autistic kids, that couldn't pay their mortgage left their leaky, moldy, cracking house to go on vacation Sunday (or Monday?). When they come back Sunday, they'll have a brand new, bigger, fully furnished & decorated house in its place. Amazing. They won't even have a mortgage anymore, but surely they'll have a helluva tax increase...hmmmm.


At December 14, 2006 5:57 AM, Blogger Tonya said...

aww poor baby.. I sure hope she is feeling better real soon. RSV terrified me when Randie was born because of her being a preemie. We would wash our hands so much they would bleed.. It would be neat to see the makover thing.. It would be better if it was my house they were doing.. lol

At December 14, 2006 12:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speedy recovery to Jenna!!! And take some lemonade or something over to TY and snap a pic for us!!!

At December 14, 2006 4:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said... is RSV season! I just had a 6 week old patient with it last night who required oxygen and IV fluids. RSV is a virus, so as far as the RSV part goes, the only thing you can really do is wait for it to go away. Even ventolin doesn't really do anything, since the wheezing in RSV isn't caused by reactive airways. I hope she has a fast recovery!!


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