I waited for THAT?
Yesterday was my 36-week appointment. My doctor had an emergency delivery with complications, so she wasn't there. They were shuffling her patients around, so it took almost 2 hours of waiting for a 5-minute appointment. I really didn't see what the point of that visit was. I learned that I gained 3 pounds in one week, and that I am nowhere near dilating. I could have gone another week, or forever without knowing that. In my defense, I don't know how accurate that weight is--she did it so fast, she didn't even wait for the thing to stop moving up & down. She just slid the weight bar thing over and said OK, good enough. So I choose to believe that I didn't really gain 3 pounds in one week. :) But, there's not much I can do about it at this point. It is what it is. Oh, I did learn that I tested positive for group B strep, so I will need an antibiotic IV during delivery. Next week when I go in at "full-term," I hope there is some dilation or effacement, but I won't hold my breath.
On another note, we did get some bad news about our boy (dog). He is only 6 and has had 2 bladderstone surgeries, and was diagnosed last year with diabetes. He went through a very extensive (and VERY expensive) hospital stay to get past the initial diabetic shock he was in. Now he eats prescription dog food and NOTHING else except the occasional baby carrot for a treat. He drinks distilled water to cut down on the mineral deposits of our hard water, and he gets medication with every meal to treat his urine acidity to keep the bladder stones down. He also gets an insulin shot with every meal to manage the diabetes. So to say this is a special needs dog is an UNDERSTATEMENT, but he's our baby and if you didn't know all that, you wouldn't know there was anything wrong with him. Anyway, today he had an x-ray to check the bladderstones that were present, but tiny the last time he had an x-ray. Today they were not tiny. Apparently the prescription food and expensive meds have done nothing for it, so he is going to have to have a third bladderstone surgery. Poor little guy has been through a lot, and so has our bank account!!!!!!!!! I wonder if our perspective on this will change once his baby sister is here? Nah...
I never dilated at all on my own before they induced me. I was hoping I would, but oh well...it all happened with the help of modern medicine.
Ahhh don't worry about it, my dr didn't even check me, nor have i been tested for group b strep. I can only imagine they are going to give me IV antibiotics preventatively now, since I don't know. I thought that was kind of odd because that's the first thing we look for when a woman is admitted to OBS. Anyway, must be his protocol.
Sorry about your poor dog (and your bank account!) Hopefully this surgery will fix him up good :)
it's so hard to see our little fur babies suffer. My hubbie and I have talked a lot about how much we would be willing to spend on our dogs if something were to happen to them. I think it's a call you can only make when you are in the actual situation. I hope this surgery takes care of it once and for all.
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