Sweet little roly poly!
Wow, a couple of weeks ago, Jenna could barely roll herself over. Now I can't leave the room when I put her on the floor! She rolls all over the place. It's her new favorite thing. That, and sitting up.
Sometimes we get her belly-laughing for a while, and that's my new favorite thing. She still loves her bath, but we've been putting her baby tub in the big tub. Otherwise there is water EVERYWHERE! Her daddy gave her her first little bath mohawk the other day. :)
All right, now I have to brag about how incredibly, crazy-good my little sweetheart was today. More for myself than anything. So, boring alert--stop reading if you don't want to hear my bragging. :) We had to go to Houston to close on our house (about a 2 1/2 hour drive). I was worried about how she'd do because we left at 6:30 am and got back around 6:30 pm. She barely slept at all on the way there, but she didn't make a peep. Just sat in her carseat playing with her plush book and looking around. She probably napped for about 30-45 minutes. While in Houston, we had several errands to run, so she was constantly in the car seat and we were moving her all around. Poor thing could barely get a nap in because every time she started to sleep, we stopped to go in somewhere and she'd wake up. She was sweet around everyone we were around, and she barely cried all day until we were about 5 miles away from home. (Well, my parents' house, since we're now officially homeless!) When we got home, I put her on the blanket and she rolled all over the floor for about 20 minutes. Then I put her in her jumperoo and she jumped and laughed for a while. She played peek-a-boo with her daddy for a while. She was such a joy today--more than any other day since she's been born.
Ironically, when I started this post, she started crying. She has been screaming ever since. I guess that's why it's good not to brag. :)
lol @ it being good not to brag.. Love the pics and YAY @ sitting up Jenna.. she is getting so big. Isn't it great when they are so wonderful even being trapped in a carseat.. Randie despises hers and after about 10 minutes she is saying *out.. out* not fun.
Is good to brag, especially when you've got such a cutie pie on your hands! She is such a cutie! Glad she had such a good day!
She's just too cute! I can't get over how fast she's growing. Bragging is good, she's a smart little girl :)
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