Flu shots
Ugggh, hate em. I used to never get them, but last year I did because I was pregnant and they practically made me. This year Jenna's doctor recommended she get one, and I guess I will too, since she's in the germ-infested daycare. Not that her daycare in particular is germier than others...they're all that way. Just to clarify! Anyway, it makes me sad to think about taking her in for one because I know it'll hurt her, and then wherever they inject it will probably be sore. She already has a cough, and I think it's from the shots she got earlier this week. It started the day after I took her to the doctor. It's just a cough--no fever, no discomfort, and not even a runny nose. She sounds like her chest is congested, so I hope this goes away soon.
I remember when I was so anxious for her to be able to sit and entertain herself...now that's her new favorite thing to do! I can't believe how different she is now than she was just a month ago. She's a big girl already! People always say they grow so fast, and they do!!!!
They sure do grow fast and boy she gets more gorgeous all the time. I hope her cough gets better soon!
Just to give you fair warning, she'll actually have to get the flu shot twice! Children who have never had it get it once and then again a month later. Something about building up more immunities. It's a good thing they won't remember!
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