Jenna Benna Bo Benna

She came into our lives 4/21/06, and I'll do my best to post pics, stories, and what she's learning about the world!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Big baby?

Thanks for the nice comments! I had my last ultrasound yesterday and everything was great. She's measuring right at the April 26 due date, but weighs 4 pounds, 2 ounces. Everything I've read (like the ticker at the top of the blog) says the baby at 32 weeks should be "almost 4 pounds." Hmmmm, I wonder if that's an indication she'll be big at birth. Based on mine & Jay's birth weights, I'm sure she'll be big, but I guess at this stage she's getting a little head start. Unfortunately, we didn't get any good pictures. With her getting so crowded, it was hard for the sonographer to focus on anything but the face, and she could only get the face from the front (no profile). It looked like a scary alien, so we'll leave those pics off the blog.

I was shocked and really annoyed last night when Jay & I took Kaiser for a walk that I could barely make it around 2 blocks. How sad is that? The piercing lower-back pain combined with the braxton-hicks and pressure of the baby weight made it so uncomfortable that I think I won't attempt that again until after she's born. I kind of had to laugh though. Here I am, still with 8 weeks to go, hunched over, huffing & puffing & holding my belly like a...well, like a pregnant woman! Wow, how do those women keep working out and JOGGING up until the end?????

Monday, February 27, 2006

And I'm only gonna get bigger!

I'm a couple days shy of 32 weeks, but since we had the camera out, we took the pic. I'm soooo ready to stop getting bigger, but the biggest is yet to come! Some people tell me I don't look very big and some people tell me I look like I'm ready. It's funny how certain clothes change the "bigness" effect.

I'm getting tired of being out of shape and not being able to sleep on my back or stomach, having such a limited wardrobe, and not being able to reach my toes. Although Jay paints my toenails now, and he does a really good job, too! Without all the back pain and other such annoyances which I'll keep to myself, those would be minor complaints for what we get out of this, so I'm trying not to be such a baby about it. :)
She's safe, she's moving around, and she's healthy as far as we know, so I can live with being uncomfortable for another 2 months...

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Pretty crib!

OK, I gave up on the ebay chick. I got screwed--I'm not getting the bedding. So we decided to buy the bedding, except we decided that instead of paying $200 at Babies R Us for the frog bedding, we'd get something a little girlier and a lot cheaper from Target. This bedding has butterflies, dragonflies, and lady bugs, and it's primarily pink! Cindy, are you proud? :) Well, also purple & green. It's so fun to look in her room now because it's cute and girly! I put her stuffed animals in the crib too, so they're safe from the dog. Of course, we'll have to find a new home for them once she actually starts sleeping in there.

We got the mobile as a gift (it was on our registry), and although the mobile that goes with the bedding is super-cute, this one's cute too. The colors don't match, but she'll just be more stimulated that way, right??? It's got a butterfly and a dragonfly on it, so the motif matches. Butterflies, ladybugs, dragonflies, and frogs. It'll keep her from being too much of a princess!

We got enough little hangers so we could hang up the clothes we got from the work shower. With those and what we had already gotten, she's got quite a wardrobe going! It would be too much trouble to try to get a picture of all the outfits from the front, so here they are hanging in the closet. I can't wait to dress her in them! Of course judging by how squrimy she has been today, it'll be a challenge to wiggle her into those little dresses. :)

One last update for now--Monday I get my last ultrasound and I'm hoping to get some clear pics to post!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Work shower

Have I mentioned how blessed I am? :) Today I had a work shower and was surprised at the turnout and the gifts. I always feel so bad when people give us stuff, especially if I don't know them that well. But we got lots of cute baby outfits and a few things from our registry. It was such a nice shower! Jay was there too, which I loved.

Here's us with the cake, which was so pretty and sooooooo yummy!!!!!!

I'm glad I passed my glucose test, because I didn't feel AS guilty about eating a piece, and then another piece later in the afternoon. Oops.

I may take a picture of all the cute outfits we have, but there are a lot...maybe I'll just wait and take a picture of the baby wearing the outfits. :)

I wish I had a picture of all the unopened gifts, but I don't. They were just so cute! I have become one of those people who says "awwwwwwwww."

By the way--I tried to make this post somewhat attractive, but I just can't quite get this blogger layout thing. Urrrggghh!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

A good doctor appointment

Now that I'm going to the doctor every 2 weeks, the appointments are pretty uneventful. But nothing is ever wrong, which is great! I passed my glucose test with flying colors, and my weight is in check. The doctor did tell me (again) to watch the carbs though. I guess the coconut cream eggs will have to be a rare treat. In 2 weeks I'll have the final ultrasound. Insurance won't cover it unless I go to a diagnostics center, so I don't get to have it at the doctor's office. The bad thing about that is the inconvenience, but the good thing is they have to do a full ultrasound. So we'll get to see everything again, and it won't just be a quick stats check. Hopefully we'll get some more good pics!

A fun thing did happen at the doctor--while I was in the waiting room (for 45 minutes, I might add), an old friend I hadn't seen or talked to in about 3 years was also waiting. Turns out she has the same doctor and is due 4 weeks before me. We got to catch up so the wait didn't seem so long, and now I have her contact info again!

Still no baby bedding and no reply from the ebay seller chick. I'm giving it till tomorrow before I take some kind of action...though I'm not sure if there's really anything that can be done since the payment is already on the credit card bill. I may be out $150! STUPID EBAY!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

10 more weeks and a lot less fear

Today officially marks 30 weeks into the pregnancy. I've got 10 more weeks left, and I like that a lot better than 2 1/2 months. Sounds like less time. Although the thought of being responsible for another human life scares me when I really think about it, it doesn't scare me as much as it used to. Why, you ask? Because I'm married to the most amazing guy there is. I have no doubt that he'll be the best dad EVER and I already know he's the best husband. I mean, really, I've gotta give myself props for marrying this guy. :) I've mentioned before how blessed I am for that, but I've been thinking about how lucky this baby is to have him for a dad. When I picture him holding that little pink bundle, and when I picture him changing diapers and giving baths (because of course that will happen often), I know that everything will be OK.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Another family car

For the first time since I've known him (over 10 years), my husband doesn't have a pickup truck! First he had a Ford Ranger, then a Ford F-150, then a Toyota Tacoma, which he's had for the past 5 1/2 years. He realized a few weeks ago that the car seat will not work in it if someone other than the baby wants to ride in it (like me!), and we had to come up with a solution. He started looking at used Nissan Xterras, and found a great one. He decided to post his truck for sale at about 10:30 the other night to see what happened. First thing the next morning he had a buyer for it! So yesterday he sold his truck, then bought the Xterra. Although the Xterra has a few more miles than the truck, it's 2 years newer, and he sold the truck for more than he bought the Xterra for! How cool is that? Not a whole lot more, but hey--ahead is ahead. We never thought we'd be able to trade the truck for a much roomier one without paying a lot of money. I'm thinking God's guiding us because it couldn't have worked out better.

Now he'll have to fight me for the keys, because also for the first time, I actually want to drive his vehicle!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

My new favorite thing

As I am sitting here indulging in my new favorite thing, I decided to write about it so you all can learn about this and find out what you're missing. Russell Stover has these coconut cream eggs at Easter-time, and also I discovered they have hearts for Valentine's Day, too. Oooohhhh, if you like coconut, you cannot resist this. Surely they must have come from Satan himself though, because they are SINFUL! I am using this particular one to get the onion taste out of my mouth from the Chipotle burrito I had for lunch. Admittedly, a piece of gum would probably do a better job, but would not be nearly as much fun. I'm talking about creamy coconut filling with a thick dark chocolate layer on the outside...mmmmmmmmmm.
Cravings??? What cravings?

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Cool picture

I got this from the National Geographic website. It's a picture of a 28-week-old fetus in the womb. I'm not sure if it's a real picture or if it was rendered from a sonogram, but it's very weird to see how close a baby at this stage looks to the way it will look at birth.

I ordered bedding from ebay over a month ago now, and still haven't gotten it. I am told, however, that it will ship this week. So I will be anxiously awaiting that, and when it comes in I will take a picture of the baby's room with the bedding. Assuming, that is, that the stupid digital camera cooperates. I HATE that thing and prefer our old one that took crappy pictures. :)

Monday, February 06, 2006

Good things come to those who wait

I got the MOST exciting news yesterday. My good friend, Cindy, and her husband, Brien, got their prayers answered! After a long process of trying to adopt, they now have a little boy who is almost 2 and will be getting his newborn sister in the next day or 2. Since these are now foster kids and are not 100% guaranteed to be up for legal adoption, they need lots of prayers that these kids will remain with them forever. Chances are good, but prayers make it better. I am sooooooo excited for them and can't wait to meet the new family!

In unrelated news, my baby girl's quiet time is over. I guess she was going through a growth spurt or was just tired, but now she's kicking me like crazy! She kept me up last night, but that's OK. Kick, swim, do whatever you have to do, little girl!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Here it is - 28 weeks

I guess I'm the size I should be, but I FEEL bigger. The big 'ole belly's getting in the way already. :) Jay laughed at me the other day because he parked halfway in the garage, and when I tried to squeeze between the car & the garage door, I wouldn't fit.

The baby has been unusually still for the past 2 days, with the occasional hiccups or light movement. The last time that happened, I think she hit a growth spurt, so maybe that's happening again. Tomorrow when I go to the doctor, I will ask about that. I get to take the dreaded glucose test tomorrow, so I'm gonna try to lay off the sugar during the day. :)

It's February!

I feel like I have been pregnant for about 2 years, and I haven't been in a big hurry to get all the baby stuff done because I feel like we have a long, long way to go. However, she's due in April and it's now February! Granted, she's due at the END of April, but when I looked at the calendar this morning, the shocking realization that I will one day soon be a real-live mom hit me. 12 weeks to go. That still seems like a long time, but as the weeks fly by and it gets to the single-digit countdown, I will start to freak out a little.

All right, now that I'm officially 28 weeks and I vowed to post a picture every 4 weeks, I promise I'll take one in the next few days. My belly has, of course, gotten significantly bigger, but I have to share the other unexpected joy that has occured as an unanticipated (to me, anyway) side effect of pregnancy. I now have thunder thighs and a butt that rivals the size of my belly. I tried on a pair of pre-pregnancy jeans yesterday (though I don't know why I subjected myself to this cruelty) and could barely get them over my thighs. I'm already planning my diet to begin in May...